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As i write 70451 members 14/09/17.... do not know what % are advanced. As BM leunig # 16 pointed out how some got advanced status is beyond comprehension. Do know historically it was done on number of posts when the board was in its infancy years. This is no longer the case. Out of this membership it seems only a few hundred contribute on a regular basis.


Feel a complete overhaul and a sift of members would be a good idea, but no idea who could undertake or how to go about this mammoth task. A simple solution to get rid of dead wood is if they have not contributed to the forum something worth while in over a year terminate advanced status. How could they moan, only got themselves to blame. As for the non advanced BMs delete membership if say under12 posts in a year and they can re apply if they wish to do so.


Have always thought membership should have 3 levels a bit like bronze, silver, gold. The more you contribute with helpful, useful information, reports, photos, reviews, joining in debates, sensible responding in topics would help your advancement. Possibly personal recommendations from others. But have my doubts about this as it should not be a popularity contest. No system is fail proof.


Advancement is at the discretion of the moderation team. They will never please all the people all of the time. An unenviable unpaid job. Those who aspire to advancement may well be disappointed when granted. Still think it is more fun n lively on the open board. It's all a bit of fun at the end of the day, but some do take things to heart and get upset. Never take it to serious. It's only a bloody forum


Rgds soidog.

I think you are close to the mark m8


I mean how the fuck did I get it!


I think advanced should be voted on by the members of the advanced section! I mean if that was the case I'd never get it lol.


Acceptance and admittance via vote.


Expulsion and banning via vote!


OMG I've created a democracy!

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As i write 70451 members 14/09/17.... do not know what % are advanced. As BM leunig # 16 pointed out how some got advanced status is beyond comprehension. Do know historically it was done on number of posts when the board was in its infancy years. This is no longer the case. Out of this membership it seems only a few hundred contribute on a regular basis.


Feel a complete overhaul and a sift of members would be a good idea, but no idea who could undertake or how to go about this mammoth task. A simple solution to get rid of dead wood is if they have not contributed to the forum something worth while in over a year terminate advanced status. How could they moan, only got themselves to blame. As for the non advanced BMs delete membership if say under12 posts in a year and they can re apply if they wish to do so.


Have always thought membership should have 3 levels a bit like bronze, silver, gold. The more you contribute with helpful, useful information, reports, photos, reviews, joining in debates, sensible responding in topics would help your advancement. Possibly personal recommendations from others. But have my doubts about this as it should not be a popularity contest. No system is fail proof.


Advancement is at the discretion of the moderation team. They will never please all the people all of the time. An unenviable unpaid job. Those who aspire to advancement may well be disappointed when granted. Still think it is more fun n lively on the open board. It's all a bit of fun at the end of the day, but some do take things to heart and get upset. Never take it to serious. It's only a bloody forum


Rgds soidog.




nobody's doing that work



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I think you are close to the mark m8


I mean how the fuck did I get it!


I think advanced should be voted on by the members of the advanced section! I mean if that was the case I'd never get it lol.


Acceptance and admittance via vote.


Expulsion and banning via vote!


OMG I've created a democracy!

democracy is worst form of rule


the majority punish the minority


republic is what you would like...the minority is protected from the majority


who, traditionally tend to be murderous cunts to the minority

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democracy is worst form of rule


the majority punish the minority


republic is what you would like...the minority is protected from the majority


who, traditionally tend to be murderous cunts to the minority

OMG are you pissed!

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On 3/19/2020 at 5:10 AM, Crazythai said:

Hi, I am advance member in "pattaya addicts forum" can I become advance here please?

Being an Advanced Member of Pattaya Addicts does not automatically give you Advanced here...and vice versa.

The forums are two different identities.

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Could I please ask for advanced status? My reason is that I want to be able consolidate information on the General Angeles Thread. I can't edit a post once its been up for a certain period - which  I think an advanced member can do?

  • Confused 1

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5 hours ago, britman said:

Could I please ask for advanced status? My reason is that I want to be able consolidate information on the General Angeles Thread. I can't edit a post once its been up for a certain period - which  I think an advanced member can do?

The time window for editing posts has been considerably reduced for all BMs, regardless of status....quite irritating at times, but I understand the reasoning.

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4 hours ago, Zoonie the Lazoon said:

The time window for editing posts has been considerably reduced for all BMs, regardless of status....quite irritating at times, but I understand the reasoning.

Aargh. In which case I withdraw my request...

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The better question is, Why would anyone want to be an Advanced Member?  Isn't that status part of the forum's official disciplinary tier - warnings, restrictions, Advanced Membership, then total banning.

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