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Brussh last won the day on June 15 2017

Brussh had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

843 Fantastic

About Brussh

  • Rank
    LB Mogul
  • Birthday 31/05/1962

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  • Interests
    Admirer. skyscanner, Agoda, Mr T taxi, Showers, Moto taxi and Beautiful girls with incredibly large Clits

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  1. Sometimes you just need a kiss and a cuddle

    1. Jimmy_Lovepants


      True. But sometimes one up the bum, no harm done works too ;) ... Hope you're starting to feel a bit better Brussh.

    2. icebergjr.


      Yes it is and hope you are getting it, and heal up fast!

  2. Sometimes I feel the best thing I can do is delete my line and TF accounts and start again.....lol

    1. LL Cool Dave

      LL Cool Dave

      That's what I do after every trip, works a treat. :)

    2. Brussh


      Yes try as I may. Knowing or beginning to know how things work there. Past couple of weeks I couldn't stop myself saying stupid stuff like "see you soon".

    3. LL Cool Dave

      LL Cool Dave

      They love to laddle up the 'miss you' , I don't blame them trying to make you feel like you should see them often, but it gets to be a boring dance, and I genuinely only want to see new girls when I return

  3. Clocks really ticking now.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. garrydirty


      so is my cock ticking LOL on my way soon too

    3. silentmoebius78


      You be there again in the end of October?? Like last year??

    4. Brussh


      land on the Thursday 29th, leave 2 weeks later on the Friday.

  4. Flights booked landing 28th September. 2 weeks at the Tales. Tick! Tock!

  5. Same here. I just assumed I was an advanced member as I can see full on pics and by association through addicts forum
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