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About Larry77

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    Awesome LB Lover

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    Thailand, Philippines, Skinny Ladyboys and Girls with Boobs or Silicone-Boobs or titless, Sports, Jokes and Nonsense

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  1. Arrived in Germany last Wednesday and already booked the next flight to Thailand on Thursday. Early Bird special with Thai Airways for 560 EUR. Still Happy now. :Smile3:

    1. Peterbilt


      You do it the way I do.....
      The suitcase isnt already completely empty and I find myself sitting at the computer and booking the next flight.
      I have to wait 'til the 28th of february 'til my next flight. This time its Thai Airways again, despite the fact I dont really like them.

  2. Still rainy season in Pattaya? Such a fucking rain now on Loy Krathong.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Larry77


      Hope it will stop soon.


    3. The Dick

      The Dick

      How long will it take for the streets to drain of water after the rain?

    4. Larry77


      Mostly one hour. Hopefully.


  3. Fucking thunderstorm in Pattaya now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. West89


      Wasn’t to funny at the temple during thunderstorm

    3. icebergjr.


      Rain or shine, it's great being in Pattaya!


    4. Larry77


      Maybe better luck today!


  4. Fucking thunderstorm in Pattaya now

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