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About Mistakesweremade

  • Rank
    LB Lover

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    They say the devil's water ain't so sweet
    You don't have to drink right now
    But you can dip your feet
    Every once in a little while

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  1. Back home after a month, LOS blues, no clue when my next trip will be :(

    1. fenton


      That's a long trip MWM :)


  2. Aug 31st needs to happen now.

    1. Vasilli


      Well you are a lot closer to returning than I am buddy . It will arrive sooner than you think . Enjoy your stay .


    2. icebergjr.


      You're lucky as Vasilli said all I've got to look forward to is Oct. 31st! and it can't come to soon! LOL

    3. icebergjr.


      You're lucky as Vasilli said all I've got to look forward to is Oct. 31st! and it can't come to soon! LOL

  3. Employee wants to take his vacation in October, so my next trip could be bumped up to September, choices choices sooner trip or LBWVB

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vasilli


      As above buddy as you will be amongst many of us again .

    3. Mistakesweremade


      On edge working 6 days a week already, I may miss it as the guy wants to be home in India for diwali lol, he also hasn't seen his kids in a year. See how it plays out.

    4. icebergjr.


      I'd probably opt to go sooner,if I could,but the LBWVB is a fun time.

  4. Back home in Canada and trying my best not to feel miserable. Thanks to all the new people I met this trip, hopefully see you all again in October.

    1. Vasilli


      It was nice to have met you buddy and dont let the LOS blues get to you too much , just book your next trip and get into count down mode again and say good bye to the blues .

    2. Mistakesweremade


      Just booked for October, and already feeling much better.

    3. Vasilli


      Hope to catch up with you in late October . Stay safe buddy .

  5. Your countdown is torture, I'm leaving around the same time.

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