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Mr. Bickle

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Everything posted by Mr. Bickle

  1. i need a horny little jewish princess....!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wanghin


      Shit loads in Prestwich mate...fill ya boots..555

    3. icebergjr.


      PM deadok666, he probably knows a lot of them! 5555

    4. Kathoey_Hunter


      Love that Frank Zappa song haha

  2. very true.....id give you a like for that ,but im all out again....could we initiate a line of credit for likes,as im constantly running out.....
  3. whats the difference between an orange and an apple?.....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jimmy_Lovepants


      Freud once said that "sometimes an orange is just an orange".....but he never said that about an apple.

      (Crap, TB ~ What IS the difference ?!)

    3. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      mr flange u crack me up

    4. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      vic's da man....


  4. Seeing that ive just had a senior birthday...I think its only right i should now be referred to as Mr.Bickle......no more of this Travis nonsense..(specially for Bricktop)-555

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      cheers Bax and Vasili....i was in line for me maunday money (and me bus pass!) -I was hoping for a few quid off you BT-youve got loads of money!


    3. Ghost Of Steptoe

      Ghost Of Steptoe

      You can get fucked pay enough tax keeping you old cunts in plastic hips

    4. Ghost Of Steptoe

      Ghost Of Steptoe

      Herr Bickle are you still roaming the jungle looking for cheap fucks or back in the kingdom of greater Mancunia

  5. Does Santa really live in the north pole? Lets have a look @ the evidence. 1.He wears red & white. 2.He breaks into houses. 3.He has a shit load of electrical goods nobody can trace. 4.He drives an unlicensed vehicle. 5.He works 1 day a year!! Lapland my arse-hes a fuckin scouser.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wanghin


      Travis.. dont be fuckin stupid!! Scousers work one day a year???? 5555

    3. wildrover
    4. etgohm


      He was in Pattaya last week. Poor bastard onloy cums once a year and its in your stocking!

  6. Yipee!That old bitch is dead....

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. jimbo34


      Oh i know, tb, all too well. I hate banks with a passion!

    3. fogmaster


      Who died? Madonna?

    4. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      hahaha ,funny fogmaster...

  7. albert steptoe...what a guy!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ghost Of Steptoe

      Ghost Of Steptoe

      Samson ain't pleased tho ,would have put JCS out but he wouldn't go

    3. wanghin


      How long r u there for Bickle?

    4. Danial



      deja vu albert

  8. TOMAS-bring back Jesus,we miss him!

    1. Bax
    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      no tomas i dont,but jesus is da man!

    3. Spar10


      Pedobear I want a tshirt.

  9. Great new avatar Tomas.....don't fcuk wi' da Jesus

    1. Up2You


      i lernt a new word today

  10. I thought it was Calvin Klein lover.....thats how innocent I am.....
  11. dreamt i was sucking a dick last nite-does it mean I'm G.A.Y.?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. garrydirty


      did u have a wet dream at the same time? LOL

    3. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      I forgot to say...i dreamt i was sucking MY OWN dick.....wouldn't that be great !

    4. terry


      bloody tradies

  12. who's the dude in Icebergs new avatar? not the iceman himself surely...!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vic Flange

      Vic Flange

      Who's yours?

    3. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      bill hicks,american comic legend...check him out on you tube-i think you'd like him vic

    4. Vic Flange

      Vic Flange

      Thanks Travis - good comic - didn't reckognise him.

  13. kradot chok?what sort of an effin name is that Albert???

    1. jimbo34


      Agree with travis. Bring back Albert, i say - the miserable old git.

    2. Quietguy
  14. weighed myself today 100kg...Oh,fuckin fuck fuck

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Solice


      its true he does have a 5kg cock but sadly its attached to his forehead :)

    3. MrMercury


      Do I detect a change of avatar and forum name coming on? Welcome aboard Mr Creosote ;-)

    4. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      @ jcs-I wish it was that small!@solice...twat!@ mr M-there is actually a mr croesote on the forum...met him in pattaya once -helluva nice guy...btw-its an 8 kg cock ,when i get a hard on.....555

  15. weighed myself today 100kg...Oh,fuckin fuck fuck

  16. theyre selling condoms at the £1 shop now-would you trust them ?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      Garry,you dont know what your missing mate....

    3. garrydirty


      OH cant wait will pop in sometime today then? Do u think i might find a Ladyboy in their then? LOL



      Looks like it's a russian roulette.Buy a bunch for LOS trip! :-)

  17. wheres jason bourne lately?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. soju2012


      I like reading Jason's stuff. He loves his girl; nothing wrong with that.

    3. soju2012


      Do you comment on every post just to hear yourself talk Albert? I would much prefer Jason's "boring" stuff to your moronic rants.

    4. soju2012


      But Albert... all us boring bastards need your infinite wisdom you exciting buggy driver.

  18. ive just had a look on the top posters list-im 14 on the list between solice and DT-whooda thunk it?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MrMercury


      I can't see me getting that high on the list in the current climate ;-(

    3. bob balacano

      bob balacano

      "you dirty ole man"

    4. deepthroat


      Good thing we're all graded on quantity and not quality eh? LOL

  19. 'kin hell-there some serious arselickin going on on this site since our new owners started posting.

    1. cheyenne


      Hey mate, PM'd you, are you doin ok?

    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      im doing good big lad.just lurkin from now on(except for the footy threads...ile write you on lbr later,

    3. cheyenne
  20. whats the difference between Manchester and New Orleans?

    1. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      you can still hear the Blues in New Orleans

  21. loads of members uploading new avatars......albert steptoe is a dead ringer for its real user, the DIRTY OLD MAN

    1. Solice


      Amen to that bother

    2. Solice


      mmm should say brother, fukin iphones

    3. Turk182


      now he's slimmed down he does kinda look familiar, and hes certainly a dirty rotten old man



  22. well done to fie dollah getting over 1000 rep points-thats shows how much the forum members appreciate his contributions!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more


      Great!!! My respecr mate!

    3. Quietguy


      Fie would be on 2,000 points if his Fie dollah girls thread wasn't just for Advanced. Well done!!

    4. snoop-dawg


      He can now trade them in for a set of wine glasses, 50% off a day trip to Alton Towers or a £10 primark voucher. Well done Fie! :]

  23. FFS-don't call Caesar67-Panders......mind you-its not got the same ring to it has it?....nah-panders it is then-55555

    1. Quietguy


      Should we do a Poll?!!

    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      good idea quietguy.....

  24. im sick of being anonymous on this forum,so im putting my face pic for you all to see.....think I look like someone famous?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jimmy_Lovepants


      I always enjoy re-reading 'The Old Man and the Sea'

    3. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      i'd never have let harold give me a jab mate...too risky

    4. Justin Sane

      Justin Sane

      Nooooooo! Put the old avatar back!

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