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Everything posted by SecondChance@Life

  1. The Hunt starts now...

  2. The Hunt starts now...

  3. The Gathering is Almost Complete....The Winds of Change are Blowing...

  4. The Winds of Change are Blowing....

  5. I smell a low-season visit brewin'

    1. fenton


      looks like "resume party" for you then :)


    2. icebergjr.


      You lucky guy! I wish you'd wait 'til November! So you could meet my sibling and I when we were over there! but I'd give my left nut to be there sooner,so I understand,my friend! 5555

    3. Rinzler


      Can't wait till October?

  6. On the 12 day before LOS, my LB said to me.....(fill in the blank)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LL Cool Dave

      LL Cool Dave

      The buffalo is very sick

    3. guiltydreamer


      " You need to help my sick family....."

    4. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      I need a new iPhone.

  7. 10 hrs to wheels up...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. johnjay


      it's gonna be raining on sunday lol


    3. jb2003


      I'll also be there Saturday!!

    4. Jimmy_Lovepants
  8. One week from Paradise!

    1. icebergjr.


      Have fun you lucky devil!!

  9. Third Time a Charm? Muhahahahahaha!!!

  10. Two weeks couldn't pass quick enough....

  11. I have given into the peer pressure from certain BMs and I am now going to back for my return voyage in October. I will put my house in order :)

    1. Vasilli


      Go for it buddy as you could do worse .

    2. icebergjr.


      Are you going to stay for the LBWVB tourney? SC@L!

    3. SecondChance@Life


      Yes. I will leave on Sunday Nov 2nd. You coming?

  12. Back to the Daily Grind

  13. 5 hr layover and 15 hrs home. Nuts :(

    1. Pimpgreen


      Who you flying with?

  14. BKK is more fun than I thought :)

    1. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      I've always enjoyed The Big Mango - it gets better every visit.

  15. Discovering the Philippines at the Moment. Leave a message and I'll get back to you ;)

  16. And so, The Journey Begins.....

    1. Vic Flange

      Vic Flange

      This might be your last chance - make it stick and good luck.

  17. Last Day. Im ready to live again!

  18. 86 hours to Go. Piece of Cake!

    1. garrydirty


      bit less myself 5555

  19. Two Weeks until the Trip of a Lifetime

    1. Jimmy_Lovepants


      Trip Report please!! Honestly, the first ladyboy trip to TH is often the best one .. It would be good to hear your perspectives on the experience. Have a great one!

    2. Jazza01


      As Jimmy says 1st trip is often the best so document as much as u can

    3. SecondChance@Life


      I will do what I can. Are you going to be in town? I think it would be great to have a pub crawl the weekend of Chinese New year.

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