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About peterlee

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    LB Lover

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  1. hello...

    have you please the Name from ladyboy big hanging balls.

    meby Telefon number?


  2. hello.

    have you please info for , Chadarat and Polla??

    good for you lb icey….have very nice big cock and big hanging balls.

    i have Telefon number from icey:-)

  3. hello

    you please tip for me ladyboys have big hanging balls?

    Pattaya.bangkok...all Thailand..#

    best regards markus

    1. dannymurray


      Sorry but the only one that I know still operating with good results is Nookie. She is on the forum often and advertises. They may be others but not that I have had contact with.

      Regards.   dannymurray.

  4. hello...

    you have please Telefon number from fah big balls ladyboy from Bangkok?

    I Like big hanging balls:-)

    Best regards 

  5. Hello...you have number whatsapp from fah...Bangkok....thank:-)

  6. hello.you have info whou is em with big hanging dream balls....i give you 100 Dollar for contact and telephon number...best regards

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. peterlee


      thank for info.....em my dream Girl:-(

    3. peterlee


      you have info for anather ladyboy desame big hanging balls with em?

    4. dannymurray


      Peterlee - Yes ! Try Nookei. Well known on the Forum, and always with good results. Lives in Soi Buakhow, and will visit your hotel.  Local phone : 0932342309 or Whatsapp +66932342309. Not expensive and very versatile .  Good luck ! dannymurray

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