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About RangerAalon

  • Rank
    LB Lover
  • Birthday 28/02/1974

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    http://PM me instead

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  • Interests
    Ladyboys, motorcycles, hunting, extreme sports, travel and languages, liberation tech, oh yeah and did I mention LADYBOYS?!

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  1. Money number one! (So I can travel to LOS again)

  2. Not in LOS, time to FAP! (TR summary coming soon)

    1. Spar10


      Looking forward to it Ranger. I'm treating it as recon for my upcoming mission.

    2. garrydirty


      Good cant wait

    3. RangerAalon


      Thanks guys! Well I'm back and hitting the rat race hard, trying not to get distracted thinking of all the good times with the ladyboys! Money number one for now so I can get back to LOS!

  3. "Buy the ticket, take the ride" -- Hunter S. Thompson

    1. garrydirty


      u must have bought a few this week..LOL

    2. RangerAalon


      Yup, bought that ticket a coupla times and was taken for plenty of rides. Gave a few too! :D

  4. Poker in the front, lick'er in the rear. Or do I have that ass-backwards?

    1. garrydirty


      am more on ur TR RangerAalon?

    2. RangerAalon


      Yeah, I'm getting around to it. Biz keeps getting in the way of writing (but at least not going after the ladies!)

  5. On the ground in Pattaya! It's pissing down rain right now...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spiritman


      Pissing down in Hua Hin..no golf to-day..may have to do some indoor action.

    3. icebergjr.


      No sympathy here,bro! Even though it's sunny and clear where I'm at,I'd still like to be where you are! LOL

    4. RangerAalon


      First LB last night, was excellent, beginning of TR forthcoming...

  6. Ya know, “security” at airports really should be handled by Ninja Ladyboys in uniforms. Shit man, I'd be Mr. Slit-Pocketses-Going-Commando in the “opt-in” line for that abuse...

  7. Thinking about Ladyboys and listening to The Cars “Tonight She Comes”

    1. cheyenne


      I think The Cars, just what I needed' is pretty apt also, 'I guess your'e just what I needed, I needed someone to feed, I guess your'e just what I needed, I needed someone to bleed, so bleed me!

    2. RangerAalon


      Another apt tune definitely!


      I'm making my way through your Bangkok Baby, excellent work! ...purchased the digital copy thru Bangkok Books.

    3. cheyenne


      great, hope you like it!

  8. I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable, I sound my barbaric YAWP over the roofs of the world. --Walt Whitman

    1. RangerAalon


      Okay, I'm trying to compose a n00b introduction in that forum, but there only appears to be POST and PREVIEW buttons. I want a friggin SAFEDRAFT button!


      Damn. Lookitme. Talking to my comment wall again, at least I'll be getting a life 8/1-8/8 in Pattaya!

  9. slightly-offtopic, someone should redo this with an LB model: /watch?v=kA6QnWXTwFU

    1. RangerAalon


      Actually I think pretty much all fashion vids should use Ladyboy models. First fashion designer to do this is gonna make ca$h money. Thoughts?

    2. deepthroat


      There already is a "top model" that's acknowledged to be a transgendered (american?) girl. She gets a ton of pub, just google it.

    3. RangerAalon


      Excellent, thx! Here's one beauty: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfnvGCqdsKY

  10. My limit is probably three ladyboys, a king-size bed with rubber sheets, and a few barrels of coconut oil

    1. soju2012


      You forgot to mention the circus midget and femboy dressed as a nun:) Have fun.

    2. icebergjr.


      Throw in a donkey! somebody with a camera and I think you'll have a Guiness Record Trip report!LMFAO!!

    3. RangerAalon


      lulz to all the ideas! But I did say my *limit*! Getting dangerously close to heart-attack-scale stimulus...

  11. Investigating tech opportunities in Thailand...

  12. Maybe the hokey pokey *really is* what it's all about!

    1. RangerAalon


      You put your backside in,

      You put your backside out;

      You put your backside in,

      And you shake it all about.

      You do the Hokey-Pokey,

      And you turn yourself around.

      That's what it's all about!

    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      i always thouth it was called the hokey cokey,knees bend arm stretch 1,2,3

    3. RangerAalon


      Guess it depends on which place in the wide-flung English-speaking world you hail from! I must be showing my true region... :-)

  13. Ladyboy on the back of my KLR 650 shooting zombies with my AK-74

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quietguy


      I think it means that you need to get yourself to los asap!

    3. carrkin
    4. RangerAalon


      lol yeah, that might make a good NC-17 movie...


      Gonna be in BKK and Pats in August, got plenty of homework todo before then!

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