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Everything posted by silentmoebius78

  1. FFS!! People are asleep behind their wheels and produce artificial trafficjams on an already hot day..

  2. After I had been continously told, my spelling is terrible, I have activated my spellcheck.. Hope the complainer are happy now..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. silentmoebius78


      Damn, why can I not make corrections in Status updates.. I ment of cores mother tongue.. @Dave, can't do that.. 5555

    3. transgirls


      you could of donnit earlier. shure they're less mistake's now.


    4. silentmoebius78
  3. Have a new Motobike.. A true beauty..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 57Chevy



      Hope you have good earplugs mate.....

      Great bike, but loud

    3. silentmoebius78


      I am used to it, have also a KTM RC8.. :)

    4. TuanJym


      Nice bike . Ducati are sexy , I have a Multistrada in NZ and a Scrambler in Patt

  4. Lets make Car manufactores and Booz producers responcible for the lives they take with their products.. As one mentioned above, might had been good intended, but the exicution is a joke.. You can't make a provider of such platform lyable for the stuff his users post.. Period!! Where dose the policing of peoples lives start, and where dose it stop??
  5. Next flights booked.. Countdown reset to August..

  6. Good to have a choice.. Well deserved..

  7. Walking Street is like beating a dead hores.. Very much done with it. Won't barfine anyone there anymore..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. silentmoebius78


      I am Ok.. Back in cold Europe now.. Hope to be back soon.. But my "love" (money)won't be exclusive for Pattaya anymore..

    3. garrydirty


      5555 going somewhere else ?

    4. silentmoebius78


      Depends how long, I can be in Thailand next time.. I should see more of the Kingdom then just Pattaya..

  8. You have to love BTS in rushhour.. Trains are to full and to short to handle the masses..

    1. kathoeyfan


      There's room for a few more cars. Hopefully they'll add them.

  9. 2 days 'til wheels up..

  10. Best for the job (Me), dose not get the job.. Wtf is wrong with those people.. And then they don't even have the gutts to defend their decission.. Wanker, all of them..

  11. Kilkee (Ireland) the end of the world... Litterly..

  12. Flights booked, be back on the 14th of Dec...

  13. Time to go home.. See ya all in December..

  14. In the end, I think it all comes down to behavoir.. How you treat your fellow BMs.. I have not done TRs or posted many pictures before I did get elevated.. But I tried to contribut, give honest oppinions and tried to help with advice, but also seek such.. I am sure you will get there!! Your contribution to the forum is good.. You can believe, Beetlegeuse, when he sais, there is not much going on in advanced.. I post 90 - 95% in the open forum, as most Advanced do.. Some of us share TRs and pictures there, which as he points out, some do not want the general public on this Board to see.. But as said.. Most of the action happens here on the open board..
  15. Well, the drama with you happened before I dived deeper into the forum, but as far as I have understod, there are some issues with some Advenced Members and Mods you seemed to have. I just recognized the annoyed reactions of the moderating team.. Maybe you want to elaborate who degrated you back to Member+ status, and what your sin has been.. You are no Saint, I am sure.. Just curious..
  16. Finaly.. Holidays.. Small motobiketour, before wheels up on Wendsday..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. silentmoebius78


      Made round about 1300 km in 20 hours.. Traffic was awful and annoying in Bavaria.. It is holidayseason, as you know.. In Weiden, I decided to head over to Bayreuth, and turn around to go home.. 20 hours is quiet alot on my motobike.. 5555

    3. icebergjr.


      All my friends are heading to Sturgis this week and I'm jealous as hell, so I know you had fun!

    4. silentmoebius78


      I have to warm up to Bkk tonight, still a bit worn from Monday.. Will probably head over to Soi Cowboy to see if I can get Dream from Cockatoo.. If not I head over to Nana..

  17. WTF!!! Absolut no drive to work these days.. has never been as bad before holidays.. Could even have staid home but still crawl to the factory.

  18. Arrived in town.. A short stay, but totaly worth it..

    1. icebergjr.


      Of course it is, no matter how short I'm sure you're going to have a great time!

    2. silentmoebius78


      Thx M8!!I'll do my best!!

  19. Cumming over to LoS for a small spinn.. Not sure if I make it to Patts.. Maybe.. Undicided..

  20. Back in India..

    1. silentmoebius78


      If anyone is wondering why.. Had been here in 2014 for work, and am doing basicly the same this time..

  21. Let the party begin, after a short nap...

  22. Damn.. Why dose the THB straingthn mid Feb until mid March??

  23. 15 days 'til wheels up..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. garrydirty


      about the same myself see u in disneyland

    3. silentmoebius78


      Looking fwd to it..

    4. silentmoebius78


      PS: 'll be in Bkk for the first night garry..

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