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Beauty's Beast

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Beauty's Beast last won the day on August 3 2012

Beauty's Beast had the most liked content!

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384 Awesome

About Beauty's Beast

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    LB Lover
  • Birthday 12/07/1949

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  1. Anyone now remember my Chronicle? Spent intense 24 hours with Jen who is determinedly thrusting herself back into my life and my ass. I keep my heart padlocked but she carries a mighty toolkit.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. yumyum


      Think i saw Jen in march, looked like she was having trouble with her face, hope all is good

    3. Beauty's Beast

      Beauty's Beast

      Yumyum, sadly you are right about Jen's face. It's in a terrible state. She is now trying to get a local "Gold Card" which will entitle her to cut-rate treatment at a government hospital. As for updates, thanks for the interest, guys. I've been keeping my head down a bit, but perhaps I'll make a new post in the old Chronicle thread sometime soon.

    4. yumyum


      Poor girl, it can't be helping her get much work.Glad all is good with you.

  2. Tomorrow Jen goes home for a couple of days. I look forward to the break and to her return. it's been two months now since she moved in.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Pugwash

      Captain Pugwash

      I had a girl friend one who got upset because I didn't remember our one month anniversary! So be careful my friend--by very careful

    3. snoop-dawg


      Get typing then old man, your audience is waiting! ;]

    4. Beauty's Beast

      Beauty's Beast

      Okay, puppy, I'll try to get something up today.

  3. Jen got back from Nong Khai at dawn today. For as long as it may last, we're having a second honeymoon

  4. 60 hours of peace will shortly be blasted into chaos by Jen's return from Nong Khai. I was delighted when she left, and I'm delighted by her return

    1. Captain Pugwash

      Captain Pugwash

      oh dear Beast, you are an old married couple already ;)

    2. Beauty's Beast

      Beauty's Beast

      Not quite, but we've certainly moved past the honeymoon stage.

  5. Active here for 3 months now. Perhaps a newbie no longer. 339 posts: obsessive?

    1. garrydirty


      No nice to have u hear.

    2. snoop-dawg
  6. I am 63 today, and totally in love...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Captain Pugwash

      Captain Pugwash

      ditto on the B you B

    3. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      good for you....you have a great b/day mate...

    4. Beauty's Beast

      Beauty's Beast

      Many thanks, everyone. Took Jen to see Abe Lincoln killing vampires. What crap! But having a fine day.

  7. Jen and I now live together. Happily so far. Perhaps that's enough.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Beauty's Beast
    3. Up2You


      then start a new thread as many of us like a good read with our morning coffee BB

    4. Captain Pugwash

      Captain Pugwash

      BB I think you have the capacity to entertain us regardless of 'settling down'

  8. Jen is here. Long, crazy night of fucking, sucking and being fucked. Really, it's all okay!

    1. Up2You


      jing jing

    2. icebergjr.


      NICE!!!!You lucky old dog,you!!Have Fun!

  9. 4 days' abstinence broken by Jasmine. Does pussy count?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. kathoeyfan


      Was it big cock Jasmine? If she's on top more than abstinence would be broke

    3. kathoeyfan


      Was it big cock Jasmine? If she's on top more than abstinence would be broke

    4. Beauty's Beast

      Beauty's Beast

      No, it was little pussy, sweet ass Jasmine.

  10. Alone, quiet and sex-free - at least for a while.

    1. Quietguy


      Me too - until I get back to los :-(

    2. Solice


      Time for wanking then :)

    3. Beauty's Beast

      Beauty's Beast

      Sol, you can't wank in Pattaya. Too big an insult to all the live flesh. More than two days of abstinence now. Am I becoming a monk?

  11. Beauty has gone. Jen texts that she "misses me so much." I am alone and content. "

  12. Jen left on the bus for Nong Khai. Beauty will arrive on Saturday morning. Am I a slut?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solice


      No, your just spreading the love 555

    3. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      yes,a real slut,you should be ashamed of your sluttiness,you slut you.!


    4. Beauty's Beast

      Beauty's Beast

      In shame, I weep a river of crocodile tears, all the while thinking of how I will hold Beauty's balls in my mouth.

  13. Spending the next 24 hours with Jen. What Joy!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. icebergjr.


      Who cares Cheyenne as you said he can do better than gae and it looks like he has, Jen looks great and from your posts seems to like sex!

    3. yumyum


      have fun, looking forward to reading all about it

    4. Beauty's Beast

      Beauty's Beast

      Cheyenne, it's all there in the blog. Final farewell yesterday. Thanks, Ice & YY.

  14. sore ass now - ah, Vicky, Vicky!

    1. Beauty's Beast

      Beauty's Beast

      Probably, though I know her as masseuse Vicky on Soi Bongkod. I've written at some length about her in my blog.


    2. Beauty's Beast
  15. bedbug-bitten from Hi Boss Bar. Scratch scratch.

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