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About Squee

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    LB Lover

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  1. 12 hours til wheels up....and a Grey Cup party to kill some time, hee hee

    1. Mistakesweremade


      Godspeed fellow canuck

  2. 13.5 hours until wheels up........27 hours of travel time though

    1. SBK


      Where the fuck are you coming from? You ever play any online games btw? Had a buddy with that online tag.

    2. Squee


      Travelling from Saskatchewan (go riders)


      I not play online

      games........ reality has my interest. Have a good one my fellow travellor!

    3. SBK


      You too - I'm sure we'll bump into each other during your stay

  3. Passport with triple entry tourist visa made its way back to me today........9 days until wheels up

  4. 17 days until wheels-up........

  5. Started twinrix shots today........50 days until wheels up!

    1. jcs


      you need six months for all three doses!!

    2. Squee


      in Canada you get your first shot, wait a month then get your second, the third shot is given one year after your first, it is a booster. regards

  6. 188 days until trip #3

    1. icebergjr.


      Only 125 days to go 'til my #3 trip, but I still feel for ya,buddy,hang in there!

    2. Rinzler


      127 more for my third trip


    3. soju2012


      I have 30 days:) BTW, what happened to the calendar that used to appear on the right side of the main page?

  7. So...Drunk, a little Depressed after trip...sober up and have a notice that my flights are confirmed for December! I Do not like it when I bully my sober self, Drunk squee is a jerk at times hehe

    1. icebergjr.


      Drink more Squeee as it always helps me!!

  8. Waiting in Vancouver for my flight

    1. Quietguy


      Who said they had never met a Canadian in los?1

  9. 15 days until my cherry gets busted...if the chemistry is ok!!

    1. Quietguy


      With all the ladyboys in los you are bound to find at least one and probably many who will have the right chemistry.

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