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deepthroat last won the day on February 25 2013

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1,420 Splendid

About deepthroat

  • Rank
    LB Lover
  • Birthday 23/01/1961

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  • Interests
    vinyl record collecting, travel, blowjobs

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  1. Just got engaged to my trans babe after 3 years living together. X your fingers for us....

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      Well good for you DT...hope everything works out for you both

    3. Botafogo


      Congratulations DT.

  2. Is "The Newsroom" on HBO the coolest fucking new show this year or what? (Rhetorical question)

    1. Rinzler


      I gotta agree. I'm digging it.

      I also like veep too.

    2. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      We've got them in the UK but not watched any yet, still got way too much Game Of Thrones, True Blood and Walking Dead to catch up on!

    3. lotus


      I love the newsroom , first eps so so but the last 3 eps amazing tv


  3. Watching entire Boardwalk Empire season 2 as a marathon. Pretty cool.

  4. Getting stoked for The Dark Knight Rises on July 20. Already have my ticket for a showing at an Imax Theater the first day. Something like 1/3 or more of the film was shot in native Imax!

    1. garrydirty


      say it will be the film ov the year?

    2. icebergjr.


      I like the new "Batman" movies the best, but if you want a great fucking laugh DT then do yourself a favor and go see "TED" as it is funny as hell!5555 Trust me,you'll have a great time.

    3. deepthroat


      Want to see TED sounds hilarious. Tomas the only caveat is the incredible IMAX images won't really be worth a shit on a low-res bootleg. Probably worth at least sneaking into an IMAX theater to see once.

  5. Diablo III is fucking incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deepthroat


      Yup, already tired of Skyrim before my last trip to LOS, haven't picked up it since i returned home. Diablo games have always been more my style - pure dungeon crawls. I loves the loot!!!

    3. transgirls


      ever tried MMORPGs?

    4. Darkside Apprentice

      Darkside Apprentice

      Played Diablo 1 on pc. IT is only PC correct?

  6. Wow, just finished watching Game of Thrones season one and first 7 episodes of season two. Fucking A Awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. icebergjr.


      Still can't be beat by "Spartacus Blood and Sand"as this shit is the Caligula of the new century! Wow so much hot T&A,and bloody fight scenes,like I said before I can't believe it was on TV! I do like "Game of Thrones"also but check out "Spartacus" for the real deal guys.

    3. deepthroat


      Didn't like Spartacus - too much CGI and the story wasn't as compelling. Lots of CGI blood and plenty of sex though.

    4. icebergjr.


      I agree with ya there DT about the CGI(don't like it)but the hot GGs made up for it LOL!BTW-If anyones interested in how m life's been for the last 16 years,check out "Eastbound &Down" 3rd season as it's filmed in my shithole of a town!! LOL got to be seen to be believed!5555

  7. Leslie Knope for President!

  8. Good to see all the newbies flooding in! WELCOME! :)

    1. deepthroat


      Because there's a whole crop of newbies in the last few days, asking all sorts of odd and sometimes funny questions. Check out the active threads.

  9. FUCK! At least "Parks and Recreation" will be returning soon. If I can't be in LOS, at least give me something decent to watch on a thursday night! (Sorry about the keyboard tourrette's)

    1. kathoeyfan


      The Office and Modern Family have been my favs lately. Just now starting to watch Community and had a recommend for Parks and Recreation. It's in the cue

    2. deepthroat


      I couldn't stand Community, it's just not well-written or very funny IMHO. But then again, humor is such a personal thing. I've thought "The Office" has really returned to full strength after a couple of lame seasons. And I LOVE "Modern Family". But head and shoulders above all is "Parks and Rec". First season was lame, 2nd was good, last season and this are classic stuff. Some of the greatest and warmest comedy on american network tv right now. Also check...

  10. WTF happened to "30 Rock"??? One of the best shows on network tv but tonight it was like a bad episode of "Community" or something. Easily the worst episode ever, made the "live episode" seem like a classic in comparison. Weird. Hope it was an anomaly.

  11. What have you done with our buddy Panders you wanker!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bluesman55


      I didn't realize that he was Italian



    3. icebergjr.


      This reminds me of my job,we have a mexican souz chef named Luis that left and recently cme back but now his name is Ceasar"go figure?

      Probably got a new visa as I'm sure he's illegal,but who the fuck cares as he's a great cook. 5555

    4. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      so are you saying Panders has only changed his name for Visa reasons? :)

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

  13. Ho Ho Ho! Wooops... premature exclamation.

  14. Getting ready for Pattaya - 3 weeks 3 days from now!

    1. Turk182


      same same, see ya there!

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