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Everything posted by snoop-dawg

  1. Two Thai girls asked me if I wanted to sleep with them. They said it would be like winning the Lottery. To be fair we did have six matching balls.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. icebergjr.
    3. penhp


      loved it very funny

    4. LordJim


      Think I had the bonus ball !!

  2. Anyone know what time the TT currency exchange outside 18 Coins on Soi Buakhao closes?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fenton


      24 hour currency exchange on Pattaya Klang on the same side as soi buakhao just a few metres before it, if you get stuck.

    3. snoop-dawg


      Thanks Fenton!

    4. Clem Fandango

      Clem Fandango

      2 x TT exchanges either side of Soi 8 are usually the last ones to close.

  3. Just been for my 6 montly blood & piss test. #playsafe

  4. TR finished and 3 months until my next trip. Seems a very long time!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stallion79


      About 4 months til my next trip... still hoping to meet you some day!

    3. icebergjr.


      If it makes you feel any better I've got 8 months :(

    4. snoop-dawg


      Uncle Jimbo I know, it's so sad! Stallion me too but it looks like our preferred vacation times don't overlap. :/

  5. Is anyone else getting occasional virus / trojan warnings? AVG is picking a few up now and again and I'm wondering whether it coincides with my visits here.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kathoeyfan


      no warnings snoop

    3. SBK


      No AVG issues here, I'm using the paid version.

    4. SBK


      ooh while running firefox with no-script. How crap of a problemsolver am I?

  6. Is some dick rating all topics a single star? I've read quite a few threads recently with 1 single star vote.

  7. Is there any TS action in Hamburg?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jimmy_Lovepants


      Good (current) info, snoop.. be careful!

    3. frenchl


      This site is pretty good for Germany. Not much in Hamburg it seems.


    4. snoop-dawg


      I found the street where the TS's hang out about 20 minutes before leaving for home. Reeperbahn is utter filth, so kept my dick in my pants.

  8. What's with all the Thai girls posting selfies of their faces covered in white paint?

    1. steveo941


      and Laos girls

      think its from Mondays Buda day

      but I may be wrong, cant be assed to ask one of them to confirm

    2. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      it seems to be the LB equivalent of the ice bucket challenge as they all keep nominating each other

    3. snoop-dawg
  9. Do I need to get LINE?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      It's great Jim, you'd love it. It's chat software for jabby dabby devices. I was using it on Saturday to chat to the LB sat 10 feet away in the bar :)

    3. jimbo34



      You couldn't get up, WALK, and actually converse then, Kendo?

      I think you'll soon be tlkin txt,lol,555 etc

    4. snoop-dawg


      Everyone keeps asking if I've got Line. I wasn't going to bother but if I can save walking 10ft a night that's over 200ft the course of a 3 week holiday! :]

  10. Do I need to get LINE?

  11. A big THANK YOU to bkkldby for helping me with some travel arrangements. It's amazing that a near complete stranger will help a guy out on the strength that they both like ladyboys. Amazing LBP!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. bkkldby


      travis, you sayin' i'm old? 555


    3. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins

      But i only left Thursday 555 hope to be back soon buddy

    4. Dutch Cowboy

      Dutch Cowboy

      Happy planning Snoop!

  12. Just found out one of my work colleagues will be in Phuket same time as me. :/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. snoop-dawg


      Actually when I get to LOS I just take off the stupid human suit! ;]

    3. Jazza01


      I had a mate from my local asking me where im going to stay and that he might want to catch up with me in patts :(

    4. snoop-dawg


      Hi VD, only just seen this. I didn't arrange to meet up with him - he was with his missus and we don't socialise anyway. To be honest I didn't give it a second thought, I was too busy having fun!

  13. Trying to decide between staying at Queen Vic (Soi 6) again and trying out La Bamba...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dicko


      When u thinking of going Snoop?

    3. Jimmy_Lovepants


      That's funny Snoop ... I have exactly the same decision to make as well. Which did u choose in the end (perhaps both?) and what was the verdict???

    4. Jimmy_Lovepants


      That's funny Snoop ... I have exactly the same decision to make as well. Which did u choose in the end (perhaps both?) and what was the verdict???

  14. I think I think I may have had my first "sick buffalo" story.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. snoop-dawg


      No, but it wasn't an insignificant peice that had been in there for some time.

    3. kathoeyfan
    4. snoop-dawg


      No it's real. Though I think she was trying it on a bit asking for money... it's a case of the little boy who cried wolf though isn't it.

  15. I managed over 3 weeks back home before searching for flights back to LOS. Impressive hey?

    1. yumyum


      yeah, but had you lost your internet connection lol

    2. hunterman


      I come home 3 of january and booked a new trip two days later.....



  16. I leave for the airport at 5am Sat (UK)... Sunday morning I'll be in Pattaya!

  17. Created a Pattaya Ladyboys Map: http://goo.gl/maps/qsrWA any feedback appreciated.

    1. Vic Flange

      Vic Flange

      That's Sterling work Snoop.

  18. Created a Pattaya Ladyboys Map: http://goo.gl/maps/qsrWA any feedback appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SBK


      Great map, Snoop! I plan to visit as much as possible this upcoming trip! It'll come in well handy.

    3. Spar10


      Excellent map. Even got the Coconut Bar.

    4. Turk182


      Nice work Snoop Dawg!


  19. has this forum turned on some crappy adverts based on certain words?

    1. snoop-dawg


      I think I may have had a very sneaky adware trojan on my pc. Used Freefixer to clean up some suspicious looking files.

  20. In the future when a work colleague asks me to sponsor their kid I've never met to do some mundane event I'm going tell them to f**k and send £20 to a ladyboy of my choice instead. Sponsor a ladyboy instead! :]

    1. Up2You


      I had a coworker ask me to buy a raffel ticket to sponser their family reunion... I just looked at him and said you've got to be kidding...

  21. In 7 days time I'll be the USA! :]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fogmaster


      What are you doing in SF Snoop? Just in time for our good weather season!

    3. jimbo34


      You globetrotter you.

    4. snoop-dawg


      FM47: I'm staying in Downtown SF for 5 nights so doing all the touristy stuff like Alcatraz, Golden Gate Bridge, Fishermans Wharf etc and I'm planning of going to Bootie Mash Up at DNA Lounge on 15th. :]

  22. In 30 minutes I'll be starting my journey to LOS. :]

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Quietguy


      Have a great Trip. Looking forward to learning more about Hua Hin.

    3. snoop-dawg


      Thanx guys! Burnt out Kendo? More likely to have worn all the girls out by the time you decide to show up!;]

    4. snoop-dawg


      Thanx guys! Burnt out Kendo? More likely to have worn all the girls out by the time you decide to show up!;]

  23. Anyone want 3 John Burdett novels, Bangkok 8, Bangkok Tattoo, and The Godfather of Kathmandu?

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