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About steveladycock

  • Rank
    LB Lover
  • Birthday 01/02/1986

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  • Interests
    Sexy Ladyboys and GG's in equal measure.

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  1. Not been online much of late, just busy with work and other boring stuff! Booking up for end of October soon, hope to meet a few BM's while I'm there!

  2. The twats at work signed me up to be a mentor for this years Graduate students, they better be LB's or Hot Asian Girls otherwise I'm going to be pissed!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eldiablo


      Did u get a gig in Thailand Steve? If not let me know when u plan on going, trying to find the right time 2 go. But all the time looks so good!

    3. steveladycock


      Hey Eldiablo, anytime in Thailand would be good mate! I didn't mean about getting a gig in Thailand, the company i currently work for let me handle some buisiness out there from time to time. However I am in the process of possibly leaving to another company...just haven't decided yet! I hope to be in Los in late October!

    4. steveladycock


      It also seems I can't spell! **Business** LOL

  3. Major faux pas last night! Picked up a girl from the pub and was in the middle of fucking her when i asked if she wanted to fuck me?!......She looked at me in a confused sort of way an then told me to carry on shagging her!

    1. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      55555-nice one steve-faf

    2. eldiablo
  4. Hungover and have to play Golf soon............Bad Times!

    1. eldiablo


      When r we gonna golf in LOS buddy? OCT NOV?

    2. steveladycock


      Hopefully Diablo, I'm possibly moving to work for a different company so have to wait and see how that develops. Hope to be in LOS for end of October

  5. Why is it when I come back from two days off, work has piled up and my colleagues have done Jack shit!

    1. Solice


      Your colleague isnt fie dolla is it, coz he seems to do fuck all lol

    2. Robi_slo


      Do you maybe work in same company? Your colleagues are same like mine :)

  6. Why is it when I come back from two days off, work has piled up and my colleagues have done Jack shit!

  7. I think I just experienced love at first sight with a japanese Femboy type who lives in the North East and I met online!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. steveladycock


      Solice...I just know she is from the North East, not sure where exactly yet. Met her online. Why do u know who she is? I think she is awesome, very convincing and 24. She floats my boat for sure!

    3. Solice


      I dont know who she is mate but if shes a student etc then thats where its likely to be but could also be Durham

    4. steveladycock


      She said she was at Uni studying yeah,only got talking to her last night for a bit. I think she is hot though and at 24 around my age. She says she is from Japan and bottom only,which is fine by me! I will try and get some more info in the next few days! Plus some more pics 555. Thank god for web cams, seeing her smile nearly made me crack up.......love at 1st sight!

  8. Interesting developments in the HIV/Aids research field. Engineered virus that persists in the body. I truly believe a major breakthrough will come in the next 10 years!

  9. Trying to think of something mind blowing and insightful for my 100th Post but not having much luck!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      you're doing good-13 rep points on a 100 posts-thats good going )unless you post lots of pics)

    3. Solice


      Good input, well done mate

    4. Quietguy


      Well you've made it to Advanced Member quite quickly unlike some of us. :-(

      So well done!

  10. Golf again today but fortunately no Business being done,just out with my friends. Picturing viewing of my last trip after the round, just as well I have plenty of GG Pics,don't think they would appreciate the lovely LB's!

    1. Bax


      I have a bunch of G rated pics of LBs on my iPhone. I show my golf buddies all the time. They say the pictures are hot!... (if they only knew)

  11. ...........BONUS...........Meeting went so well in BKK I get to be the permanent go between! More business trips to Thailand coming up it would seem,if only I could convince these guys to check out CASCADES with me LOL!

    1. icebergjr.


      Good for you on the recent news about being able to travel to LOS on the company tab(you lucky devil)if you are there in October it would be great to buy you a beer or 3.Cheers,Iceberg

    2. steveladycock


      Thanks,I'm hoping to be there for two weeks towards the end of October so maybe we will cross paths. Will let you know! Yeah I was lucky with the job, just hope they will pay for me to fly business class LOL!

    3. icebergjr.


      Hell, buddy i'd sit on the wing if need be just to get to paradise. LOL!

  12. Away to a meeting today, luckily business is being conducted on the Golf Course! Maybe my partners will be LB Lovers too LOL!

    1. jcs


      I am not due to play Golf today!!

    2. steveladycock


      LOL! Meeting went well and I couldn't help but smile as I clocked one of the associates taking a good long look at the screen saver on my mobile. AREEYA!

  13. Been back just over a week and missing my GG's and LB's like mad! Going to book again for late October to help cheer me up!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Backdoor Specialist

      Backdoor Specialist

      I am looking at late September or late October also, can't wait to get back.

    3. steveladycock


      Yeah same here guys, I had an awesome time in March and the only thing that is keeping me from cracking up is the thought of going back later this year! Not booked anything yet, looks like last two weeks in October though. Will keep you all updated!

    4. icebergjr.


      Hopefully we'll cross paths and I can buy you a beer or 2.

  14. Been back just over a week and missing my GG's and LB's like mad! Going to book again for late October to help cheer me up!

  15. Finally posted the first part of my TR, hope you guys like it!

    1. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      definitely like it steve+plusses coming your way when i reload...

    2. steveladycock


      Thanks Travis, I will continue to build on it over the next few days. Pretty busy with work but it felt pretty good posting my first TR so will try to keep up to date with it now!

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