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About Vasilli

  • Rank
    LB Connoisseur
  • Birthday November 9

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Head in Thailand , body in Oz
  • Interests
    Ladyboys what else.

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  1. It sucks being back home after a great holiday in Pattaya once again :(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Captain Pugwash

      Captain Pugwash

      Well at least you got to go back to LOS! I had to cancel Nov. next time...

    3. Vasilli


      There will be a next time buddy :)

    4. Kathoey_Hunter
  2. 4 hours to Wheels up , who is excited ? See you lot tomorrow :)

    1. LordBoy


      Have fun Vasilli, well deserved vacations once more ;)

    2. icebergjr.


      See ya on friday buddy!Drinks when TerryBB arrives?

    3. garrydirty


      have a good one mate

  3. Tomorrow is the begining of October and that only means 1 thing ..... Wheels up this month and I can't wait .

    1. Spike69


      Can't wait to have u back mate :-)

    2. ForWhat


      4 weeks today buddy :)

    3. Vasilli


      @ MP it wont come quick enough pal .

      @ Spike looking forward to having a drink with you again and the TEA is already packed .

  4. Fucking computers , been off the air since my computer fucked up but hopefully I am back but just testing it tonight . Yes a new one .

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. garrydirty


      oh am back soon 55555

    3. Vasilli


      Lucky cunt 555 .


    4. garrydirty


      hope ur computer is fixed or u could go bak to writing letters and sending black and white photos like u did back in ur day 5555555

  5. Another great trip under the belt . Thanks to all the BM's that helped make this trip so good , new and old buddies . I look forward to catching up with you all again and you know who you all are . Mike , fuck you party hard lol . The countdown has already begun , rool on October . PO , I missed you but you will keep .

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. garrydirty


      yes we sure will swedeman007 hunting the skippers LOL

    3. Vasilli


      @Garry D Well it looks like I will have to find some new ones up country and leave them for you when I have finished with them lol .

    4. Vasilli


      @ Swede Bad timing but you will be fed to the lions once that dirty cunt has finished with you 5555 . Enjoy your trip buddy .

  6. Cant wait home any longer , I am off to the airport . See ya all tomorrow guys .

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hughjass85


      Have fun champ :)


    3. Robi_slo


      This time we must go for a beer.

    4. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      youre living the dream again vasili....good luck to yer mate


  7. 24 hours to wait to be picked up to go to the airport . Cant wait to catch up with you guys again and you lot know who I am talking about . See you all soon .

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jazza01


      have a good one vasilli

    3. Mistakesweremade


      Enjoy your trip, Looks like I'll miss you in October.

    4. Vasilli


      @Mp58 , A bang it will be lol .

      @986 see ya soon and you too have a safe flight .

      @HK thanks buddy , cant wait to get into some ass again lol .

      @MWM I will be there on the 28th Oct , hope to see you then .

  8. These last 5 weeks are starting to do my head in

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. garrydirty


      I hope so buddy 55555

    3. icebergjr.


      I hope you'll be there in November,buddy as I'd like to hang out with you again in Jomtien and maybe catch a show

      at the touristy spots or do the breakfast at Casa pascal again a few mornings!

    4. Vasilli


      I sure will be there buddy and we will do all the above and more . I just have to get this next one over then I will let you know my dates .


  9. Another successful trip under the belt and am now planning my next assult which should be next year in early March .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vasilli


      Somebodys wedding in late March and I want to be there for it . You know who so we will miss again . Maybe next June/July then buddy ?

    3. garrydirty


      June should be good for a quick 3 weeks!!

    4. Vasilli


      Good Garry then June it is . I have just finished booking my next trip March 18th to 9th April , out before Songkran .

  10. One more sleep in Farang land then wheels up , then I will be ratteling the gate to the playground .

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. icebergjr.


      Have fun you lucky bugger! I know you will, though!

    3. Vasilli


      Hey guys thanks for all the well wishes . Better go now as I am being picked up in 40 minutes to go to the airport . Cheers guys and I should see some of you there on Wednesday . First night in Bangkok with Bax .

    4. Vasilli


      Hey guys thanks for all the well wishes . Better go now as I am being picked up in 40 minutes to go to the airport . Cheers guys and I should see some of you there on Wednesday . First night in Bangkok with Bax .

  11. 25and a half hours for wheels up . Can't wait

    1. Bax


      The girls know your on the way.. :) Have fun my friend.

    2. icebergjr.


      Oh what a lucky boy, you are! Have fun!

  12. Wheels up in 2 days and Pattaya here I come

    1. poesface


      lucky git 30 days for me

    2. garrydirty


      how long u there for mate? I get in mid March

  13. Just click on "add reply" with the little green arrow, but not in the previous post just under it.....There I did it . Regards Baba Babo
  14. Go to "After School Bar " in soi Cowboy in Bangkok and ask to be taken to "Bad Boy Corner" there you will get what you want for all to see. Regards.....Vasilli
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