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icebergjr. last won the day on September 29 2014

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About icebergjr.

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    LB Iceberg Puller

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    This offends me as I'm a vegan transgender atheist who vapes and crossfits 4 times a week and I'm also a male feminist as I identify myself as a pastafarian apache helicopter dog, mega multi combo god of hyper death and if you don't agree with me you're an ignorant arrogant globaphobic sexist lesbian.

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  1. FREE BAX!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. icebergjr.


      Yes, I do as I've met him and he's always been cool with me. I didn't read what he wrote but I agree with DLT much worse has been written and no ban.

    3. Vasilli


      SilentM , what the fuck does that mean ?

    4. silentmoebius78


      My name or my question.. I have recognized some friction between Bax and a few others here in the forum.. I do not say Bax is a bad guy.. I never had any problems with him here and never met.. So I do not know him.. If someone gets banned, it has a reason.. But!! Ice already told me, Bax is one of the good guys.. I stay neutral in this.. So I just asked.. I do not follow any campain for or against anyone..

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