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About Ladyboyfan78

  • Rank
    LB Lover
  • Birthday 20/04/1978

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  1. 2 days left for wheels up to Pattaya!

  2. 1 day left for wheels up!!!!!!!

  3. Wheels up on 5th November!!!!!!!

  4. Flight booked for second trip. Arrive 31 January in Pattaya

    1. garrydirty


      Booked eeehhhh must be 18, 19, trip arrive 11th Jan LOL

  5. Flight booked for second trip. Arrive 31 January in Pattaya

  6. Trip report finished. Hope you all like it.

    1. Bax
    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      like it a lot.......

  7. Next days of Trip Report online continueing soon

    1. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      its a good read,so hurry up and post some more!!

  8. Thx for all the wishes here for my first trip. I will write surly a trip report of my first Pattaya fun.

    1. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      yeah-you started off real well-looking forward to the rest of it..

  9. All bags are packed 3 days to "wheels up" fly to my first trip to pattaya. Thx to all members here who give me alot information.

    1. luv u long time

      luv u long time

      Godspeed fella ! Take plenty pics and share the experience with us ! Have a great time

    2. Justin Sane

      Justin Sane

      I'm jealous. Be sure to check out the Bangkok scene too. Don't forget to write a trip report.

    3. MrMercury


      Have a great trip!!

  10. 9 Days till now

    1. Pimpgreen


      Right behind you, 10days left for me

    2. wanghin


      Right behind u 2 guys, 19 days for me.. Not that i`m counting..555


    3. mik


      13 days and counting

  11. ) days counting down till my first trip to LOS the Ladyboyheaven!

  12. 57 days till i go for my first trip to Ladyboyheaven. Im so exited!

    1. icebergjr.


      Have fun, I know you will though as it was the best vacation I ever took.

  13. Counting down days for my first visit;-)))

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bax


      April 2nd here...I'll let the girls know your on your way! :)

    3. Ladyboyfan78


      Thx Bax Let me know if you find a good big cock lady who likes to top ;-)

    4. Turk182


      Have a good one, its the nearest thing to paradise the first time round ;)

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