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MrMercury last won the day on December 2 2012

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448 Excellent

About MrMercury

  • Rank
    LB Mogul
  • Birthday 06/03/1956

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  • Interests
    Football, fishing, snooker, pool, golf, history, archaeology, music, computers, good food, beer, ladyboys, girls and sex. But not necessarily in that order.

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  1. Only 25 more working days until return to Hua Hin.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MrMercury


      Cheers Ice .... though I can't see it being much fun without a full set of nuts. ;-)

    3. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      u got yourself a special sweetie in hua hin mr M?

    4. MrMercury


      Nah Mr B. Just like the quieter life more. ;-)

  2. Bestest Chrimbo prezzy for a long time. Top of the Premier League for Christmas. ;-)

    1. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      blooody hell mr M-youve not been on here for ages...dont panic,they'll finish 4th...

    2. MrMercury


      Been lurking TB... They can't finish 4th. That's Man U's spot ;-)

    3. yumyum


      ok, 5th then

  3. Flights booked for next May from Manchester. £536, not a bad price. Roll on May.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrMercury


      Not looking forward to the winter but only 5 months until May ;-)


    3. Quietguy


      Sorry I missed meeting up lat Nov MM. Wasn't too well and hardly got out of hotel. Even missed Paeng's birthday party. Will be in los for 2 months Jan-March, starting in Hua Hin, but probably finishing in Patts/Jomtien. Looks like I'll miss meeting you again. Expect we will one day.

    4. MrMercury


      Am spending my two weeks in Hua Hin so leave some lb's intact for me please QG ;-) Am sure our paths will cross one day.

  4. On the mend. Week in hospital and gangrenous appendix removed. 2 weeks R&R now ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      bloody hell mr M -get well soon

    3. Up2You


      Glad your on the mend MM

    4. snoop-dawg


      Get well soon mate!

  5. It's taken me one full month to get over the LOS blues.

    1. Jazza01


      Your back in LOS now then?

    2. MrMercury


      Afraid not ;-(

  6. Been a busy boy today. Getting ready for May. Bangkok Flight Services booked. BellBus to Hua Hin booked and hotel (Royal Express, Hua Hin) booked. Sorted. Roll on May and the sunshine ;-)

    1. Pimpgreen


      I'm heading out there May 2nd, I need a break from this english weather

    2. MrMercury


      If you're down in Hua Hin at all Choc be happy to buy you a beer ;-)

  7. It's wet. It's cold. It's snowing and the car is in for MOT. Can it be anymore depressing??

    1. MrMercury


      Think of all the money you'll earn ready for your next trip to Patts Fie. Suprisingly the MOT was very good to me this year ;-)

  8. Ahhh, 69. One of my favourite numbers. Only 69 more days until Wheels Up. ;-)

    1. snoop-dawg


      Hey, you didn't clear this vacation with me! I'm in LOS from 18 May so who's going to post my FR updates! Grrrr!!!

    2. MrMercury


      Ooooops, sorry snoop ;-)

  9. Last night in Pattaya tonight ;-( Off to drown my sorrows in Sensations.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. garrydirty


      feck me that was a quick trip how long was u there for MM?

    3. MrMercury


      ..just 14 nights, but it's been a blast. Roll on May.

    4. Pimpgreen


      It was nice meeting you mate, have a safe flight

  10. First night in Pattaya I take GG. Second night in Pattaya I take GG (Ging & Gib) Happy days ;-)

  11. Last day at work today. ;-) Wheels up in 25 hours. ;-))

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. snoop-dawg


      have a good un! sorry we're not in LOS at the same time as it'd have been good to have a beer together.

    3. Turk182


      its cos the UK is the most depressing place in the world in the winter!

    4. jcs


      Just as depressing in the Summer..

  12. 15 days till wheels up ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrMercury


      Look forward to it QG.

    3. icebergjr.


      Me too unfortunately it's to return home:( Have fun and can't believe i'll miss ya by a day.

    4. MrMercury


      Will do Ice. Maybe catch you next time for a beer.

  13. News headlines tonight. Jordan uncovers al-Qaeda plot. Wow!!! And I thought she was just a blonde bimbo with big tits. Shows how wrong you can be about people.

  14. 80 days to go ....... ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. garrydirty


      45 to go myself

    3. icebergjr.
    4. MrMercury


      Will be back in May so may catch you then mate.

  15. I don't know who the biggest fools are!! The ones who start "Am I Gay" threads, or the people that respond to them!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MrMercury


      Labels are for beer bottles. I just get on with enjoying my life and f*ck what anyone thinks!!

    3. fogmaster


      Isn't calling a group of people fools labeling them?

    4. MrMercury
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