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petesie last won the day on March 25

petesie had the most liked content!

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87,601 Glorious

About petesie

  • Rank
    LB Connoisseur
  • Birthday November 23

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  • Interests
    A wee dog & some fish, guitars & amps

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  1. I note in the Admin section that there are many new joiners that have not responded to the verification e-mail. This is because it is being blocked by Gmail & you never receive it. Only way round this is to use an alternate e-mail where you can verify your forum request & validate it. Best of luck & please remember to make 5 posts & the rest of the forum will open up for you. Good luck!
  2. hi Peter will arrive on Friday 

    rugby ok for Saturday

    you need anything from London

  3. hi Pete hope your well will be over in a couple of weeksim looking for some were quite in prat a nak area

     any ideas on hotels there normally stay in d hotel just fancy a change

    see you in a few weeks

    great result in the rugby

  4. Hi Peter,

    I am arriving in Pattaya on 3 February. I will give to Jim's fund.

    Please do not close it off.


  5. For all well intended New Members. A few posts are required to open up other areas of the forum, once this reached access to other topics will be revealed. Gmail appears to be blocking messages from this site therefore membership approval is not reaching you so please try a different e-mail address for access & check your junk box if our message has been redirected. Also please respond to your validation e-mail otherwise it will not register you on the system. Thanks & welcome to LBP.
  6. Hello Pete, I might be too late here, but if not can I stand a round for the birthday girl, your staff team and good self. I can transfer the bill money via Paypal immediately. I have done it once before for staff at Delirious, and wouldn't mess you about pal. Merc !

  7. Hi Peter,

    I see on the site that I'm a member+ now. What does that mean? Can I see the files now? :)

    Grtz, Floop

  8. Advanced member thread building section...
  9. Good to see you last night and explain a little about me acting like a twat lol . 

  10. please approve my account please

  11. Peter, Had problem with Paypal, so sent T/Baht 2,000 with Transferwise to account of New at Kasikornbank. Should be in her account on 07th December. From Bruce Kaye -Murray (Me )

    Use as you will . Regards dannymurray

  12. Peter Tam here how you doing

  13. Whats the best way to send you money to help support the girls during this trying time?

  14. Post a few times mate and you will be fine.
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