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Terry Tibbs

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Everything posted by Terry Tibbs

  1. I'll be on the 10am Emirates flight from London Gatwick on Sunday. Anyone else booked on that flight?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Terry Tibbs

      Terry Tibbs

      That't the one... nice short stopover in DXB... you would have an extra four hours to wait for the big bird. The problem with business is that once you have tried it you never, ever want to go back to coach!

    3. Kendo UK

      Kendo UK

      well just me flying Emirates in itself this time will be a step up for me.

    4. Tony2103


      you fookin bastard, got no hols left and a surplus of cash!


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  2. I just wanted to take a minute to explain a couple of new features of the forum. Most of us will have experienced the sheer frustration when after writing a long and thoughtful post your browser locks up or the forum crashes and your left with nothing but a blank text box. When you are using the full editor (it will be extended to the quick reply box soon) your post will be saved every two minutes, if you lose your post for whatever reason, you can call it back and restore it... Another new feature is live topic replies... If you spend longer than two minutes writing a post you will get a live notification telling you that someone has replied since you have started typing and it will give you the option to view it whilst still keeping your current post... You will need to watch this video full screen to see what is going on. Text Editor Part 3 from Matt Mecham on Vimeo.
  3. Testing, testing...

    1. American Eagle
    2. Cockateer


      Testicles, testicles...

  4. Forum upgrade done!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rinzler


      Thanks! I like the new look.

    3. Backdoor Specialist

      Backdoor Specialist

      The website is looking very good Mr Tibbs...

    4. sir d

      sir d

      Very nice, thank you. Looks great in Mac OS Lion / Chrome.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  5. Try now... If there is no one there it's best to leave it open in another tab, you will get a notification when someone else arrives.
  6. Happy Birthday! Boss, keep up the great work.

  7. The posts dont show in date order when you view your content like that, they show in order of recent activity. So it's possible for a very recent post to be 2-3 pages back when you look at the list. :Contact Lense:
  8. Or this on the 1st of April http://www.ladyboyspattaya.com/topic/2950-favourite-act/page__view__findpost__p__70024
  9. You can't see this post made on the 4th of May then http://www.ladyboyspattaya.com/topic/9158-tlf-gone-for-good/page__view__findpost__p__143427
  10. I know its not as high as we would like right now but I have added live Bangkok Bank exchange rate info to the sidebar on the forum index page. Hopefully we can all watch it get better soon!
  11. Bye bye broadband.... Hello Fibre

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Siepher


      Hi there, i've got the same problem that biguy69 has.

      Is it a glitch or do i need to wait a certain amount of time ?



    3. chrishollo


      same problem here too, please help

    4. chrishollo


      same problem here too, please help

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  12. Welcome to the forum Seanbeag7.... We don't hold grudges here, life's too short! Enjoy the forum and I look forward to sharing a few stories with you.
  13. I hope you're enjoying your holiday,thanks for such a great forum,met a lot of cool BMs on my last trip.Thanks again.

  14. There is also a "Mini Spy" on the forum index page in the sidebar...
  15. Thanks, glad you like it. The colours denote which member group the member is in... Black = Member Green = Advanced Member Red = Moderator Blue = Admin/Root Admin
  16. Thanks Butch... always trying to make things better even if it does mean staying up till 4:30am! Oh... forgot to add, the image upload problem that some people encountered last night has now been sorted.
  17. Hi folks I have just finished working on this feature so I thought I would let you know about it. Most of you probably look at content on the forum by using the "View New Content" link near the top of every page on the site, this is good as it means we don't all have to look through the individual sections to find new posts. However, one of the problems with that feature is that it does not update automatically (you have to keep clicking the link to see what's new) Near the top of the forum you will now see this tab... Forum Spy is a page similar to the "View New Content" page but it updates automatically so you can see in real time what is happening on the forum. Each time a new topic or a new reply is made it will be shown there pretty much instantly. Another cool feature is if you leave the Spy open and switch to a different tab in your browser the number of new topics/replies will be counted in the tab header (1) (2) etc. The feature is still in its infancy, in future more things will show up in the Spy such as new calendar events etc. Give it a go and please give us any feedback if required.
  18. I would do it by copying the image location (right click on the image) then use the picture button in the text editor to produce this... [img=paste image location here] Or you could download the pic and re-upload it into the quote.
  19. 20,050 members!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Downtown


      We love ladyboys (at least us cool one do) in Canada too.

    3. cyren


      I've also just joined, can't read any posts - status still says "validating" - how long does this take?

    4. sabertooth


      I seem to be one less member, I registered and verified my email, but still can't do anything!

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  20. Firefox 4 is looking good... it's out on beta if anyone wants to try it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. cdndingo


      Hello Terry,


      I have registered but having problems viewing the forum (error states that I have to register).. I sent an email which bounced back as incorrect... Can you please check into my account.


      Thanks, cdndingo

      p.s. i know this is not the right place to post, but I could not find another way to report my issue.....thx

    3. Powerlifter


      Hi terry, i don't know where to post, but like the above comments, i am registered but get the need to register to view forum error. Can you or an administrator look into this for me when you get a chance. Thanks

    4. Terry Tibbs

      Terry Tibbs

      Should be all sorted now

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  21. Upgraded the forum today... if you have Invisions iPhone App (Download from App Store) you can now get push notifications direct to your phone... Drop me a PM if you want to know how.

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