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Tony Soprano

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Tony Soprano last won the day on August 26 2017

Tony Soprano had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

7,339 Glorious


About Tony Soprano

  • Rank
    LB Connoisseur
  • Birthday November 30

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  • Gender
  • Location
    LOS Ex-Pat
  • Interests
    Almost everything

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  1. Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise they won’t come to yours.

  2. Don't call me, I'm retired

    1. FYE


      Cant wait for the day when i can say that. Hope all is well Mr Soprano

    2. jimbo34


      Nice feeling isn't it?

    3. Jimmy_Lovepants


      By the time i get to it it'll be 70 (Aust). Pricks.

  3. No, it would be stupid. If you don't like a post just post that and say why. And there's too mamy personal vendetta's on here where someone could just dislike every post a person posted. The forum really isn't, or shouldn't be a popularity contest.
  4. I'm sick of working. Only work I want to do is working out a ST with a hot LB

    1. icebergjr.


      Me too! I agree so much!

  5. Do you know his email address? We can send him a few more flames-
  6. I'm ready to live and to live a live contact and fantasy. Do not you want to join me?

  7. Are you still in contact with that knockout? Where can I find her?

  8. lujoyalin thought I was the LB in my profile pick which I thought was pretty funny. Apple was upset with me about a pic I put here on the forum in which I thought she looked beautiful and she was fully clothed.

  9. TSteve C I think lujoyalin is confused, at least I hope so. Or maybe ............. :( As for Apple guess I should let that guy looking for Vid's not all LB's are into that stuff. not sweet Apple anyway

  10. That picture isn't me. I wouldn't make much of a Princess.

  11. My Princess,

    I am coming to Pattaya next month.

    I like soo much to meet you.

    How can we date??



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