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Bolton Beast

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Bolton Beast last won the day on August 2 2010

Bolton Beast had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

60 Good

About Bolton Beast

  • Rank
    Awesome LB Lover
  • Birthday April 4

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Manchester Uk
  • Interests
    Football,Eating,Golf & Sex

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  1. Happy Birthday to a true legend who really tells it like he see's it!

  2. Is this your new hadle robo 63 ?

  3. Thats a releif ,I havnt got the legs for a mini skirt

  4. I hope u aint thinking of the beast John F as this dog only gives

    1. Turk182


      lol, I don't think you look much like ladyboy even with dress on, no offence! hehe

    2. Solice


      hes after wanghin because he looks amazing in a dress lol


  5. fed up with this goddamn country and only 4 weeks back home

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KenW


      Well, you know the old Aussie joke: only thing wrong with the UKk is too many English people.

    3. Solice


      I resemble that remark

    4. Turk182


      me too, but I see myself differently than a lot of these Jeremy Kyle generations over here!

  6. Name change guess who

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Turk182


      i'm still guessing, I can't think of anyone who is a beast who comes from bolton?

    3. jcs


      i know a twat who comes from Bolton!!! lol

    4. KenW


      Werewolf of Bolton. Rahooo!

  7. I still cant post freely BD as I am being censored by mods before the posts appear

    1. Butch McGraw

      Butch McGraw

      Just bide your time mate, wont be long.. then you can let loose! lol

    2. jcs


      HaHA!!!! Give me a call mate.

    3. Turk182


      I hate to say it, but Robos comments and TR's are what a lot of the newbies come to see, so freedom of speech is important!

  8. I am gonna change my user name due to rats

    1. Backdoor Specialist

      Backdoor Specialist

      Welcome back mate, your posts have been missed here big time, as for the rat, I hope in time we can name and shame the shi*cun*! BD

  9. go to nanai road beer there 50 baht and some ladyboys there to

  10. only 24hrs left of the trip fucking sick and tired I dont want to go back to work

    1. jcs


      I know the feeling!!

    2. Turk182


      I am living the feeling, and its shit. All red blooded men should be born in Pattaya lol

  11. fucking Chiang Mai full of hippys and long haired layabouts

  12. I am now officially bolloxed for the next 12 days as of 1800hrs

    1. Turk182


      At least your missus aint' a fat hairy farang, so could be worse, make the best of it mate!

    2. Butch McGraw

      Butch McGraw

      GOOD LUCK MATE!! lol

    3. Turk182


      At least y7ou in LOS !

  13. Now I know why I hate Bangkok 150 for a fucking beer and 200 for a ladydrink they can get fucked,I will wait till after 2am and go to the carpark at Nana Hotel

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Backdoor Specialist

      Backdoor Specialist

      That's my plan for my next trip Robo. You can save shitloads by going to the Nana Car park and not paying silly bar fines

    3. Up2You


      I agree with you in theory , but if you only get to LOS once or twice a year, and your sill relatively new to this, it all seems like a bargain... and money well spent.

    4. Bolton Beast

      Bolton Beast

      I am just a tight arse ,cynical old sod though,who dont like spending

  14. good to meet you yesterday.

  15. dont pull the head off it to hard ringpiece

    1. Turk182


      I'm saving it all for Xmas ;)

    2. Bolton Beast

      Bolton Beast

      you will have nuts like cricket balls by then


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