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bradford last won the day on December 16 2009

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9 Getting started!

About bradford

  • Rank
    LB Lover
  • Birthday 21/06/1960

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    ladyboys BBBJs 69s all sex football LBs sex group sex anything gos more ladyboys cum love com eating

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  1. just booked flight best i could get nov8th jet £640 last time 6 months ago same flight £480 but dont care i will be balls deep in a LB on the 9th

    1. luv u long time

      luv u long time

      well you can feel better that its not as bad as my £740 in March with Emirates !!

  2. anybody get good flight deals for nov 8th - 15th out back anytime

    1. Mr. Bickle

      Mr. Bickle

      just booked emirates from mcr....out novemba back feb...all inc £585

  3. anybody flying jet on 13th april

  4. anybody flying jet on 13th april

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bradford


      sorry friend i have been away a longtime (about 5 months but now i am cuming back on the 13th not into songkran but give me a loom a LB and i am happy

    3. icebergjr.


      As jcs said,"unfortunately not"also but I know you'll have a great time regardless.

      I hope you make your 5 some fantasy a reality and expect some great pics and story.

    4. humi


      day 14 night


  5. anybody flying jet on 13th april

  6. just booked flight 13th april £490 jet return wow

  7. R.I.P sir norman wisdom

    1. KenW


      Yep, a man who provided much fun for my youth.

    2. Turk182


      last of the real celebs not like these c***s nowadays!

  8. ill co to battaya after 1 month


  9. flying monday night cant wait

  10. i am back been off line for 4 months its good to be back cu all soon bradford

  11. am, lucky love bar

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