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Solice last won the day on June 3 2024

Solice had the most liked content!

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18,333 Glorious


About Solice

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    LB Connoisseur

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    Youtube.com - scotts thailand

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  1. Ceenas Birthday party at Sensations this Thursday, all welcome.

  2. The dishwashers Birthday celebrations this Saturday at Sensations.

  3. Linda and Loverboy25 Birthday get together Tuesday 25th October at Sensations.

  4. Eyes Birthday Party Sunday 2nd October. All welcome.

  5. Is there anyone coming to Thailand from Sydney or nearby in the next few weeks that could do me a favour? If so can you drop me a pm, thank you.

    1. Jazza01


      sounds like a hit job

    2. bayhill


      juice delivery? 555

  6. If anyone is travelling from Australia to Pattaya within the next week and can do me a favour can you drop me a PM, Thanks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Migmig


      Looking to stock up on Vegemite eh mate

    3. ausmagoo



      Updating the wardrobe with the latest fashions mate. Way to go...lol

    4. Vasilli


      Just sent you a PM buddy

  7. Congratulations to Bow for serving hard time and now been released.

  8. Huge fire at the muay thai stadium on sukhumvit today. contractors re gassing the aircon had a compressor explode and burn the building down. 200 million bahts worth of damage, hope they had insurance.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hubert_cumberdale


      Yeah saw a video of that on Facebook hope nobody was burnt.

    3. kathoeyfan


      Didn't get to see any fights there. It did heavy bus tour trade. Read only a couple of small injuries. Good thing it wasn't when the place was packed.

    4. garrydirty


      was a bad one in York I think they said the other day gas! but was a house think there a few hurt

  9. Tongs Birthday party at Sensations Wednesday 27th January.

  10. Kwan and Kyrhas Birthday party tomorrow, Wednesday, everyone welcome to join the fun.

    1. silentmoebius78


      Wish I could come.. Will be in 7 weeks in town..

    2. kathoeyfan


      Kyrha is a gem. If can't make it big happy b-day to her

  11. Cola And May's Birthday party, wednesday 1st July

  12. 3rd year anniversary at sensations on Friday 12th June, everyone welcome

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vasilli


      Congrats Scott , Sorry I wont be there this year to celebrate with you but I will be there a few weeks later to have a chat and a drink or 3 .

    3. Thompson Twins

      Thompson Twins


    4. steveo941


      attended 1st & second party, gutted cant make this one.will have a few tonight, thinking of you mate, your one of the good one's, respect mate, see you in Oct

  13. New years eve party combined with two staff members birthdays. Everyone welcome.

  14. Paengs Birthday party this Friday, 21st, everybody welcome.

    1. Bart Fitz Monty III

      Bart Fitz Monty III

      Give the good lady my best wishes, sorry can't be there but thoughts are.

    2. jcs


      Re arrange it for end of Feb Please..

    3. fenton


      HBD Paeng :)


  15. A bit too obvious who he has now become!

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